On 27 September 2013, as part of her AHRC Fellowship ‘Judging the Medics’ Science‘ Dr. Marie-Andree Jacob hosted a stakeholders workshop on research integrity and misconduct, at the headquarters of the Medical Research Council in London.
Participants included representatives from the Medical Research Council (MRC) the Health Research Authority (HRA), the charity Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the General Medical Council (GMC), the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO), the Wellcome Trust, and Medico-Legal Investigations Ltd.
They discussed current problems in the prevention of and responses to research misconduct, provided feedback on the findings of Marie’s project, a historical study of the GMC adjudication of research misconduct cases between 1990 and 2012.
The Fellowship, awarded under the Science in Culture AHRC Scheme, concludes on 31 October. Marie is working on expanding the dissemination of the research findings, in collaboration with contemporary artist Anna MacDonald (Manchester Metropolitan University, Forecast).
More information about Dr Anne-Marie Jacob’s Fellowship ‘Judging the Medics Science’ is available here.
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