Eat a sweet lemon.
Taste an electric daisy.
Experience a sonic crisp.

Public Event 7pm, 23 October, 2013 Royal Institution, London

Tasting food and drinks is a familiar, everyday experience. But how much do we really know about taste? Recent results from neuroscience reveal taste to be one of our most multi-sensory experiences, drawing inputs from touch, taste and smell into a single, unified perception of flavour.

Join us for #FoodBrainUs at the Royal Institution

Join Professor Barry C Smith, Institute of Philosophy and Professor Charles Spence, Cross Modal Laboratory, University of Oxford and others for an evening of multi-sensory experiences.

Short Talks and a Four Course Tasting Menu

The evening starts with short talks followed by a chance to sample a four course experimental tasting menu for the senses. Explore the atmospheric Ri building in the heart of London and participate in unique multi-sensory experiences which will change your understanding of taste.

This event is held in partnership with the Royal Institution and the AHRC Science in Culture Theme which encourages mutual exchange between researchers working across the sciences, arts and humanities.

How to attend

The event is open to the public. Booking in advance is essential. Please click here to purchase tickets from the Royal Institution Website.