Hen pecked: The Bird that conquered the world

Hen pecked: The Bird that conquered the world

This guest blog post by Dr Mark Maltby, Bournemouth University is part of the AHRC Science in Culture Theme’s contributions to Universities Week 2014. Between 9-15 June 2014, Universities across the UK are inviting everyone to be inspired, get involved and discover...
Imperfect Cognitions

Imperfect Cognitions

This is a guest blog post by Professor Lisa Bortolotti who was awarded an AHRC Fellowship in September 2013 for a project entitled “The Epistemic Innocence of Imperfect Cognitions”. Lisa Bortolotti is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Birmingham. The...
Leaving your Brain to Science.

Leaving your Brain to Science.

This is a guest blog post by Dr Martyn Pickersgill and Dr Emilie Cloatre, co-investigators for the AHRC Science in Culture Theme Research Network ‘Technoscience, Law and Society: Interrogating the Nexus.’ Martyn Pickersgill, @PickersgillM, is a Wellcome Trust Senior...
The Archaeology of STEM fairs

The Archaeology of STEM fairs

This guest blog post is by Dr Brendan Larvor, PI for the Mathematical Cultures Research Network Elizabeth Hind works for a company in Liverpool, organising STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fairs and promoting STEM education.  She is also a...