The AHRC Science in Culture Theme is hosting a social media workshop with three of their funded projects on Friday 22 November. This pilot session will be a mixture of theory and practice, considering how to successfully use social media as a tool for communication and research.
This pilot session will include participants, from three research networks funded by the AHRC Science in Culture Theme; The Scientific Works of Robert Grosseteste: Lost Legacies and the Living Past, Women in Science Research Network and The Chimera Network. All three research networks are committed to developing opportunities for reciprocal exchange between researchers in the Sciences, Arts and Humanities. All the participants expressed a keen interest to participate in the pilot.
The workshop will explore several issues and key concepts surrounding the use of social media on a day-to-day basis in a research setting. These include identifying which social tools to use to communicate process and progress, how to present content as well as a discussion on how to create meaningful opportunities for online public engagement.
The workshop will be facilitated by Abhay Adhikari (PhD) who is developing the social media engagement framework for the AHRC Science in Culture Theme. Abhay is a digital engagement specialist with an interest in voice and context. He has facilitated sessions for The Guardian, Telegraph Media Group, Channel 4 and several museums across the UK and Sweden.