Research seminar organized by AHRC Large Grant Rethinking the Senses: Uniting the Philosophy and Neuroscience of Perception.
Speaker: Cesare Parise, Universität Bielefeld
Title: Natural scene statistics and other modulatory factors for multisensory integration
Event description:
The physical properties of the signals activating our senses are often correlated in nature; it would therefore be advantageous to exploit such correlations to better process sensory information. Stimulus correlations can be contingent and readily available to the senses (like the temporal correlation between mouth movements and vocal sounds in speech), or can be the results of the statistical co-occurrence of certain stimulus properties that can be learnt over time (like the relation between the frequency of acoustic resonance and the size of the resonator). In my talk I will present a series of experiments demonstrating the effects of crossmodal correspondences on multisensory processing, and their grounding in natural scene statistics.