A one day conference at Imperial College London. 12th June 2014 organized by the AHRC Science in Culture Theme funded The Silences of Science Research Network.
As science communicators we value communication. Current research policy also rewards the most communicative scientists. But are there times when we shouldn’t communicate – when communication might be damaging to science or when staying silent might be more productive? Are there limits to how open science should be? Equally, are scientists too often silenced in public debate? Just some of the questions to be explored in a series of panel debates at this conference. Panelists include Professor Sir Brian Hoskins (Director of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change), Professor James Wilsdon (Professor of Science and Democracy at the University of Sussex), Professor Kevin Anderson (Director of the Tyndall Energy Programme), and the scientist-turned-playwright Dr Hassan Abdulrazzak.
The programme and registration form can be found at http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/humanities/sciencecommunicationgroup/research/silencesofscience.
All are welcome. There is no conference fee. If you would like to attend, please email a completed registration form to f.mellor@imperial.ac.uk by 23rd May.
We hope you are able to join us for some lively debate and lots of talk about not talking!