AHRC Science in Culture Theme Research Network, The Chimera Network is organising The Splice Symposium.
This event will be a 2-day symposium between 15 and 16 November 2013 at University of Notre Dame in Central London, examining the process, philosophy and products of collaborations between scientists, musicians and performing artists.
Confirmed speakers include: Nicola Triscott (Arts Catalyst), Jenny Paton (The Wellcome Trust), Dr Kirsten Shepherd-Barr (Oxford University/author of Science on Stage), Melanie Wilson (Sound/Performance artist), Brian Lobel (Performer, University of Chichester), Suzy Wilson (the Clod Ensemble/Performing Medicine), Prof David Berman (Physicist, Queen Mary University of London/Flow Motion) and more.
More information about the Splice Symposium is available here. Any queries: m.mermikides@surrey.ac.uk