The first of five events interrogating various facets of the interaction between law, technoscience and society.
Advances in science and technology are closely entangled with the making and deployment of law and legal processes in society. Law is often looked at as a way to control and shape science, while others see regulation as a means of stimulating innovation. Legal decision-making is at times described as being increasingly dependent on expertise, while others draw attention to the interdependency between governance and the production of knowledge. The role of materials in shaping legal processes, and in turn the role of law in producing materiality, are now seen as important elements of critical explorations of the law. This project aims to bring together an interdisciplinary network of scholars and practitioners seeking to explore these and other aspects of the relationship between law, technoscience and society.
This discursive event will be organised around displays of and introductions to the work of artists YoHa and the Critical Art Ensemble, and academic presentations pertaining to debates in law and science. The event will foster new forms of discussion, which will in turn structure future network meetings.
Speakers include Professor Alain Pottage, Graham Harwood (YoHa), Professor Robert Dingwall andSteve Kurtz (Critical Art Ensemble)
To register for a place and for more information, email