The Ordered Universe

AHRC Science in Culture Theme Film

This film examines the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded ‘Ordered Universe’ project which brings together medieval scholars and scientists to consider the writings of an exceptional 13th Century Bishop, Robert Grosseteste. Research collaboration has inspired a new perspective on Grosseteste’s writings as well as new scientific experiments.

Featuring Dr Giles Gasper, University of Durham, Dr Hannah Smithson, University of Oxford, Professor Tom McLeish, University of Durham and science writer, Dr Michael Brooks the film looks at the benefits of inter-disciplinary research and the possibility of working reciprocally between the sciences and the arts and humanities.

This film was made at a public workshop in Durham Cathedral organised in November 2014 as part of Being Human: the UK’s first festival of the Humanities. It also demonstrates how members of the public can contribute to research creation.

Further information about the Ordered Universe project, which is funded by the AHRC and developed under the Science in Culture Theme, is available at