AHRC Science in Culture Theme

Russell Brand & Professor Barry Smith on 'Under the Skin'

Interview with Russell Brand

Events, Workshops & Conferences

AHRC funding has already been awarded through the Science in Culture Theme to over 50 projects

Exploratory Awards, Research Networks, Innovation Awards and Large Grants

Constructing Scientific Communities: Citizen Science in the 19th and 21st Centuries

Large Grant

Cultural and Scientific Perceptions of Human Chicken Interactions

Large Grant

Rethinking the Senses: Uniting the Philosophy and Neuroscience of Perception

Large Grant

Arts & Humanities Research can go beyond investigating the Cultural contexts for Science to inform and contribute to its Advancement

Welcome to the AHRC Science in Culture Theme Website

Science in Culture is one of four themes identified by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as a focus for research funding.
The AHRC Themes are identified as emerging areas of interest to arts and humanities researchers and are likely to shape or change aspects of multiple research fields in future years.
The Science in Culture Theme aims to encourage mutual exchange between researchers working across the Sciences and the Arts and Humanities.
Science in Culture will foster interdisciplinary working between researchers in the sciences and the arts and humanities in order to pursue topics that cannot be successfully addressed by either side alone.


Drugs & Consciousness

The BBC Radio 3 show 'Freethinking' featured Professor Barry Smith along with David Nutt and Peg O'Connor on a very eye-opening discussion about Drugs and Consciousness, this particular play was inspired by the LSD Medical trials. Leo Butler hosts the show. Please...



Nicholas Shea, Professor of Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy (IP), was interviewed by BBC Radio on themes arising from his AHRC research project at the IP and King’s College London. The programme, Habit, explores the contrast between habitual behaviour and...